Preserving History, One Page At A Time

By now most of our readers have read about the ongoing digitization project here at the Shelby County Museum & Archives, but many people still have questions about what the project actually involves.  Being a visual person myself, I thought I would share some images that will bring the project to life. . .

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“What If YOUR Ancestors Had Been Slaves, And…”

It wasn’t until Albert “Peter” Datcher reached the age of 50 that he first reflected on the long history of his ancestors. A history that was certainly full of hardships and struggles, but that was also full of faith, family and friendships.

Datcher, whose great grandparents, Albert and Lucy Baker, were slaves, has worked tirelessly to piece together the story of his family. But discovering the past can be challenging, even painful when you consider the many injustices that have been endured over the years.

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